We need your help MONDAY to protect Right-to-Work
January 31st, 2020

Defend Virginia’s Right-to-Work Law in the General Assembly on MONDAY

This Monday, February 3rd, the Virginia Senate Commerce and Labor Committee will hear SB426, Senator Saslaw’s “fair share” proposal that guts right-to-work and would make Virginia a right-to-work state in name only – ultimately having the same impact on economic development in the Commonwealth as a complete repeal.

We need a strong showing of members of the business community at the committee meeting to emphasize the importance of preserving right-to-work in Virginia.


When: Monday, February 3rd – arrive by 1:00pm

Where: Senate Room A, Pocahontas Building – 900 E Main St, Richmond, VA 23219

The Ask: Join members of the business community and help create a unified voice for supporting workers free choice. Instead of business attire, please wear something with your chamber or company’s logo to show the diverse and statewide support for right-to-work.

If you are unable to join on Monday, please call members of the Senate Commerce and Labor committee again to express your opposition to this legislation. It is critical that they hear from the business community one more time before they vote on this legislation.

Thank you to everyone who came last week and sat through the long committee meeting only for the legislators to decide to delay a week. We need an equally strong showing again this Monday to communicate how important this issue is to both employers and employees. Thank you for all of your support and efforts to protect Virginia’s right-to-work law.


About Fair Share and Right-to-Work

Virginia’s right-to-work law is the single most important pro-business, pro-job creating policy being considered this General Assembly Session and SB426 puts right-to-work in jeopardy. When we miss out on economic development opportunities, when businesses choose to leave the state, and when companies decide to expand elsewhere, that will hurt kitchen tables of Virginians across the Commonwealth

Contrary to some of the misleading information, right-to-work does NOT prohibit unions from organizing in Virginia, but it does protect workers free choice to decide if they want to join a join or pay union fees. Right-to-work means an employee cannot be fired simply for refusing to join the union or refusing to pay the union dues or fees.

SB426 focuses on the concept of “fair share,” also called an agency fee, which would force workers to pay unions as a condition of their employment! If this bill passes, Virginia will become a right-to-work state in name only and we need your help to defend workers free choice by standing with us in committee on MONDAY!

Please note that parking may be limited