Opportunities to Support Your Community During COVID-19

Opportunities to Support Your Community During COVID-19

See something we are missing? Send it to policy@vachamber.com

Support The Schools In Your Community

Many schools around the Commonwealth are in need of used CPUs and laptops to provide to students during distant learning. If your businesses has any of these items you would be willing to donate to a school in need, please contact your local superintendent to learn how to provide these resources to your school district.

Click here to find the contact information for the superintendent for your local school district.

PPE Donations Needed to Support Healthcare Providers Responding to COVID-19.

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in dramatic increases in demand for critical medical supplies, in particular, personal protective equipment (PPE, such as N95 respirators or latex gloves). Due to this big increase in demand plus supply constraints of producers of those products, hospitals in Virginia are facing the prospect of shortages that could impact healthcare delivery. Virginia employers who may be able to donate these critically needed items (top priorities at the present time are surgical masks, N95 respirators, disposable medical gowns, latex gloves, ventilators, face shields, and COVID-19 test strips / test kits), please contact Stacie Neal, Branch Chief of the Planning Division at the Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM), who will coordinate logistics. Stacie can be reached at stacie.neal@vdem.virginia.gov or 804-219-6359 (mobile).

Shop Small, Shop Local

Support the local, small businesses in your community!

  • Buy a gift card to your favorite local businesses.
  • Shop local online and choose shipping or delivery. Many businesses are offering free online shipping!
  • Order delivery or contact-free pick up from local, independent restaurants in your community.
  • If you are able, skip the refund on a local show or experience.
  • If you are able, consider paying or even just tipping regularly scheduled services you are unable to use like a haircut, manicure, dog walking, or house cleaning services.
  • Social media – leave a review, share their posts, or comment to increase engagement.