Virginia Oil and Gas Association Statement on EPA’s Release of its Study of Drinking Water and Hydraulic Fracturing
June 11th, 2015

Virginia’s Natural Gas Industry has made it a priority to focus on the safe and environmentally sound production, extraction, and transportation of the state’s natural gas resources for more than 80 years. At the request of Congress, the US Environmental Protection Agency conducted a five year “state-of-the-science assessment” of available data on hydraulic fracturing across the United States. The EPA’s draft study affirms that hydraulic fracturing does not present systemic impacts on drinking water. In Virginia, more than 9,600 wells have been drilled with no cases of groundwater contamination associated with hydraulic fracturing.

Virginia’s natural gas industry will continue to focus its efforts toward the safe and environmentally sound production of abundant and affordable natural gas resources within our Commonwealth. For more information on Virginia’s Natural Gas Industry please visit or