Chamber Briefings Newsletter – September 2016

We’re looking forward to hosting the 2016 Virginia Workforce Conference on September 28th. This year’s theme is “Veterans: Closing the Workforce Gap” and we’re pleased to be partnering with Virginia Values Veterans and the Virginia Society of Human Resources Managers. I hope you’ll make plans to join us. For more information or to register, click here.
On October 4-5, we’ll be hosting the 68th Annual Conference on World Trade with the Virginia Economic Development Partnership, the Virginia Manufacturers Association and the Virginia Maritime Association. With 95 percent of global consumers living outside the United States, international trade is critical to growing and diversifying our economy. Please make plans to join us for this 2 day conference.
The November 8th election is just around the corner, and we wanted to make sure you’re aware of an important issue that will be on the ballot–adding Right to Work to Virginia’s constitution. The Virginia Chamber’s PAC has created a referendum committee called the Workplace Freedom Committee, which will allow us to engage in directly advocating for the passage of the amendment.
A number of programs have recently announced grant and funding opportunities, and we wanted to be sure you were aware of these announcements. In this issue, we highlight the Governor’s Competition for Talent Solutions, the Virginia Trade Show Assistance Program and the Commonwealth Research Commercialization Fund.