Company’s founder will annotate why companies MUST innovate, while using one of the most famous recent examples of a corporate collapse as a backdrop as to what could happen.
Arlington, VA— June 18, 2018 — Ever Evolving, Inc. is scheduled to present at the ProjectSummit*BusinessAnalystWorld in Arlington, VA on June 18, 2018. Their presentation is titled Innovation: The New Currency of Business and it will examine how having access to capital is no longer the leading driver for corporate success. Instead, it is all about how quickly and successfully companies can identify and tap into new revenue sources and/or drive down business costs.
The speech will provide tips and examine best practices that Ever Evolving uses to coach their partner clients on their quest for continuous innovation. As a backdrop to the discussion, it’ll examine the mobile phone industry and juxtapose BlackBerry’s “fall from grace” to the rise of Apple’s dominance. There will also be ample opportunity to engage directly with our team at a networking event at the conclusion of this discussion and later that night after all of the scheduled conference activities.
ProjectSummit*BusinessAnalystWorld is the largest series of conferences for project managers and business analysts in North America. These industry leading events feature expert speakers representing every sector, from all reaches of the globe. Their next event will be held in the Hilton Hotel Arlington, from June 18-20, 2018.
Ever Evolving’s Steve Palmer will be speaking on June 18th from 1:15 – 2:15pm.
To register for the event, go to and follow links for Register.
Ever Evolving, Inc.
Founded in 2016, Ever Evolving, Inc. is committed to helping the world and all of its inhabitants evolve into their best self. Our InnoSpecting Framework helps companies identify new ideas for revenue generation or cost reductions, and methodically and strategically implement those ideas. We provide custom built tools to help corporate executives gain direct insight into the status of their innovation portfolio and ensures that their investment dollars are being spent wisely.
For more information on Ever Evolving, Inc. and the services we provide, please visit us at: or email us at You can also follow us on social media for our latest thoughts and ideas.