Month: August 2013

The $4 Million Teacher

August 3rd, 2013

ACA Premiums and Their Impact on You

August 1st, 2013

It’s no secret that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been a controversial issue.  Advocates from both sides of the aisle are attempting to explain how the new legislation is going to help or hurt you, your family and/or your business.  One consequence of the ACA that is just starting to gain much attention is […]


Virginia Stormwater Program Moved to the DEQ

August 1st, 2013

Effective July 2, 2013, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (“DEQ”) took over stormwater permitting responsibilities previously handled by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (“DCR”).  Movement of the regulatory program and associated DCR stormwater personnel and program funding is a done deal; the implications of such a move for the regulated community remain […]
