
Partnerships Needed to Strengthen Dental Workforce

June 24th, 2024

Partnerships Needed to Strengthen Dental Workforce  By Ryan Dunn  Imagine if your local hospital employed more doctors than nurses. The ratio would likely turn the efficiency of care on its head, not to mention create the kind of fiscal havoc that could put internal accounting departments into wholesale cardiac arrest. Even so, a version of […]


Opinion: Invest in education, workforce training

January 23rd, 2023        Barry DuVal

Opinion: Invest in education, workforce training Written by: Barry DuVal, President and CEO, Virginia Chamber of Commerce A top priority of the Virginia Chamber of Commerce is to strengthen Virginia’s reputation as the best state in which to do business. To be the best state for business – Virginia must be the best state for […]


Opinion: Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative is not best approach

October 31st, 2022        Barry DuVal

  Opinion: Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative is not best approach Written by: Barry DuVal, Virginia Chamber President & CEO The Virginia Chamber has long supported policies that prioritize investments in energy that ensure competitive rates, attract economic development and protect the environment to move Virginia forward. Unfortunately, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative is not consistent […]


Energy Saving Tips From Virginia Energy Sense

October 27th, 2022

Every fall, the onset of cold weather can result in higher energy bills for Virginia businesses, but taking a few easy steps can help offset these costs. Virginia Energy Sense (VES) is a statewide consumer education and outreach program that helps businesses, institutions, and households across the commonwealth increase their energy efficiency and save money. […]



August 8th, 2022

TRAINING A SKILLED WORKFORCE INCREASES BUSINESS, STRENGTHENS COMMUNITIES AND IMPROVES ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY By: Knox Singleton, CEO, Opportunity Scholars As members of the Virginia Chamber, we can all probably agree that a highly skilled, well-trained workforce is the number one priority of the business community. Many of us would add “diverse” to this description of our […]


2022 Commonwealth of Virginia Tax Legislation

June 22nd, 2022

Taxes Imposed by Virginia Corporate Income Tax Business Interest Deduction. House Bill 1006 (Chapter 648) amends §§ 58.1-322.03 and 58.1-402 to increase the Virginia individual and corporate income tax deduction for business interest to 30 percent of the business interest disallowed as a deduction under the business interest limitation. Under current law, such deduction is […]


Opinion: Providing reliable child care options will serve Virginia’s future

January 11th, 2022

Opinion: Providing reliable child care options will serve Virginia’s future By BARRY DUVAL and MIKE PETTERS We’re nearly two years into the COVID-19 pandemic and too many families across Virginia remain unable to find quality, affordable child care. While these challenges predate the pandemic, unprecedented staffing shortages, limited operating hours, fewer program slots, and costly public health regulations […]


Hispanic Heritage Month: September 15 – October 15

October 12th, 2021

          Hispanic Heritage Month runs from September 15th through October 15th each year and celebrates the history and contributions of individuals who trace their roots to Spain, Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Spanish-speaking nations of the Caribbean. Hispanics/Latinos are the the fastest growing ethnic group in the U.S. and […]


Growth4VA Launches Campaign Calling on Governor and General Assembly to Seize Once-in-Generations Chance To Invest in Higher Education

September 9th, 2021        Growth4VA

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  September 9, 2021 Contact: Growth4VA Launches Campaign Calling on Governor and General Assembly to Seize Once-in-Generations Chance To Invest in Higher Education RICHMOND, VA — The Virginia Business Higher Education Council (VBHEC) launched its Growth4VA campaign today, announcing that a statewide coalition of business, education and community leaders and grassroots supporters […]
