
GDPR Is Here. Are You Ready?

February 8th, 2018        Sandy B. Garfinkel, Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect on May 25, 2018 and represents a very significant overhaul of data protection regulation, both within the European Union and around the globe.  Businesses will need to examine how they hold and use data and take steps to demonstrate compliance with the data protection principles. Here […]


Driving Innovation for the Commonwealth of Virginia and Beyond: CCAM

December 11th, 2017        Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing

What do you get when you combine the best minds in advanced manufacturing research & development with world-class manufacturing companies and engineering talent from leading universities? The answer is the Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing. Located just south of Richmond in Prince George County and adjacent to the modern aero engine component factories of Rolls-Royce, […]


Virginia’s Future Prosperity Depends on Natural Gas Pipelines

October 25th, 2017        YOUR ENERGY VIRGINIA

In the years ahead, natural gas will continue to be a critical source of energy for Virginia. It is a reliable, affordable, American-made, clean fuel. The use of natural gas has more than doubled in Virginia since 2004. Natural gas is already delivering substantial savings to Virginia households and businesses. While the use of natural […]


Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) available for implementation

August 29th, 2017        Jessica Greene, Virginia Energy Efficiency Council

Commercial property owners, contractors, and local governments have a new financing tool called Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy, or C-PACE, available for implementation. Already available in 33 states and the District of Columbia, C-PACE enables property owners and developers to install high performance equipment that lowers costs, reduces out of pocket construction costs, and brings […]


Preparing for Paid Leave Law Changes

June 26th, 2017        Amy Marcum, Insperity

Although many American workers receive paid leave for vacation and illness, a significant percentage of the population is not offered this employee benefit from their employers. The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that 73 percent of American workers receive paid vacation time and 68 percent receive paid sick leave. These percentages may increase further as […]


Save the Date for the Smithfield, VA Forum on June 21st!

May 3rd, 2017

The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay’s ForumPlus and Businesses for the Bay programs are teaming up to host a joint Forum in Smithfield, Virginia on June 21st. The combined Forum aims to provide a space for business professionals and watershed, conservation, and community groups to come together in a day of discussion surrounding local environmental […]


Video: Chairman Dennis Treacy encourages businesses to get involved in Chesapeake Bay Awareness Week

February 21st, 2017        Paul Logan

Our chairman Dennis Treacy spoke this morning at a press conference on Chesapeake Bay Awareness Week. The Chamber is working with the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay to encourage local businesses to get involved. You can learn more about how to participate at Click here to watch Dennis’ remarks from this morning:


Virginia Business Newsletters

February 20th, 2017        Paul Logan

Want to keep up with breaking business news in your region? We compiled a list of some of the top business newsletters around Virginia. If you know a great business newsletter that’s not on this list, send it to us at Daily e-News from Virginia Business Magazine The daily business news you need to know […]


New Overtime Rule Blocked But Questions Remain

December 13th, 2016        Karen S. Elliott, Esq., Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC

The day before Thanksgiving, a Texas federal judge temporarily blocked the December 1, 2016, implementation of the Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) new overtime rule. The new rule more than doubled the salary threshold requirement for exemption status as well as automatically adjusted the threshold every three years beginning in 2020. The following Q&A attempts to […]


OSHA to “Out” Employers for Workplace Injuries

July 7th, 2016        Courtney M. Malveaux, Esq.

Recording injuries and illnesses of workers is nothing new to high-hazard industries.  But a new rule by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”) has introduced another dimension to an otherwise routine task: public shaming. OSHA has long publicized its enforcement actions, calling out companies cited for the heftiest fines on its website, electronic newsletter […]
