Chamber Briefings

Chamber Briefings Newsletter – 4.8.15

April 8th, 2015

Next Wednesday, April 15th, legislators will return to Richmond for the General Assembly’s Veto Session to take action on bills that Governor McAuliffe amended or vetoed. Two bills that we supported during the 2015 session, HB1608 and HB2395 were vetoed. The bills would need a 2/3 majority vote to override the vetoes next week. Click Here for Entire 4.8.15 Chamber […]


Chamber Briefings Newsletter – 3.4.15

March 5th, 2015

The 2015 General Assembly Session adjourned sine die on Friday, February 27th, a day ahead of schedule. The General Assembly is scheduled to return to Richmond on April 15th for veto session, where they will review bills that were amended or vetoed by the Governor in the interim. Click Here for Entire 3.4.15 Chamber Briefings


Chamber Briefings Newsletter – 2.23.15

February 24th, 2015

This week marks the final scheduled week of the 2015 General Assembly Session, with the session scheduled to adjourn sine die on Saturday, February 28th. Perhaps the largest outstanding item to be finalized this week is the budget. Budget conferees–Delegates Cox, Greason, Jones, Joannou, Landes, and O’Bannon and Senators Colgan, Hanger, Howell, Norment, Saslaw and […]


Chamber Briefings Newsletter – 2.16.15

February 18th, 2015

The Virginia General Assembly has officially passed the halfway point known as “Crossover.” Below, you’ll find a recap of where legislation of interest to the Virginia business community stands as of crossover. You can also find a link below to our Bills We’re Watching document, which highlights our position on these bills. Also last week, […]


Chamber Briefings Newsletter – 2.10.15

February 11th, 2015

Today marks the halfway point of the 2015 General Assembly session, otherwise known as crossover. Following crossover, each house will begin work on bills of the other house. On Sunday, the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees met to offer their respective proposals for the 2014-2016 biennial state budget. Some highlights from the two budgets can […]


Chamber Briefings Newsletter – 2.2.15

February 3rd, 2015

Last week was a very busy week at the General Assembly, as both houses work to complete their respective business before crossover on February 11th. With over 2,300 bills filed this year, there is still much work to be done.  This week, we’re expecting our EPA Clean Power Plan legislation to be heard in House Commerce […]


Chamber Briefings Newsletter – January 2015

February 2nd, 2015

Last week marked the first full week of the 2015 General Assembly Session. This year’s session is scheduled for 45 days. Friday was the last day that members could file bills, and over 2,000 have been introduced. Although we are expecting approximately $300 million to $450 million in cuts to the Commonwealth’s two-year budget, there […]


Chamber Briefings Newsletter – November 2014

November 20th, 2014

On November 10th, the General Assembly met for a one-day special session to elect judges and address further cuts to the budget due to the $2.4 billion budget shortfall. The House and Senate also both passed legislation to allow insurance companies to renew health insurance plans in 2015 that were cancelled under the Affordable Care Act. Governor […]
